Don’t Strive for Perfection
“Perfect is the enemy of good.”
I’m sure we’ve all done it before—strived for perfection and disappointed ourselves after thinking we fell short. Especially as marketers, we have fallen victim to the idea that we need to be perfect to succeed.
Striving for perfection is crippling.
We spin our wheels to achieve something subjective in the first place.
And you know what the result usually is?
Nothing gets done when you’re trying to be perfect because you get lost in the details that don’t matter.
So, how do you break the habit of trying to be perfect?
I’ve put together a quick list of three ideas to give you a boost in the right direction.
Have a good attitude about your performance.
The quicker you realize that no one is perfect and nothing that you do will ever be perfect the faster you’ll make progress in reaching your goals.
As with most things in life, attitude is everything, and when you can forge ahead with a good attitude and aren’t thwarted by chasing the elusive idea of perfection, you’ll begin to make progress.
Put yourself out there.
More times than not, we seek perfection because we want to show our peers that we’re successful and capable of making things happen. To do this, we are constantly pining for perfection, which in actuality holds us back from taking chances, facing our fears, and getting closer to our goals.
When we wait for the perfect moment or push back timelines because it’s almost perfect, we’re stifling our creativity and doing ourselves a disservice.
Table the idea of perfection once and for all and put yourself out there. Remember, growth demands change.
Keep pushing forward.
When it comes to marketing, the name of the game is SPEED.
The faster you move, the more agile you become and the quicker you can pivot to make necessary changes.
Working towards perfection does nothing but slow you down.
I want to challenge you to change your mindset and strive for progress, not perfection.
While it’s cliche, it’s true. Focus on chipping away at the tasks that are essential to achieving your goals.
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The first step in freeing yourself from perfection is remembering that words like perfection, success, and intelligence are subjective. If you are happy, you are successful, intelligent, and perfect, even through imperfections.
Like I’ve said before: success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
MASSolutions is a top marketing agency because we aren’t perfect, and we don’t pretend we are. But we are honest, we are resourceful, and we are true to our clients.
Listen to our no-bullshit marketing podcast here.
Dive deeper into personal growth:
310: Striking a Balance Between Value and Values
Say No to Knowing: 4 Benefits of Life Long Learning
How to Use Criticism as an Opportunity for Growth