The Two Audiences Your Marketing Is Neglecting
Let’s start with a test.
True or False:
___: You market and sell to the same audience.
My guess is many of you said “true.” But the truth is, who you market to is different than who you sell to.
Think about it. How did you learn about companies you’ve bought from in the past? Whether you’re a B2B or B2C customer, you probably learned of companies from others talking about them.
Sure, it’s easy to say “Word of mouth is the best advertising.” Duh, and it’s good to stay hydrated!
What we’re talking about here is the people who you can reach and influence.
These are the two key target markets that most companies neglect or just fail to treat the same way they do as their key target markets. Why are so many companies guilty of this? They don’t realize that who you market to is different than who you sell to (sound familiar?).
The two key target markets are:
Referral Sources
Many people automatically think of healthcare companies when they hear “Referral Sources.” While, yes, that is sometimes true, and MASSolutions has worked with many healthcare companies, this pertains to ALL companies. Yes, your company, too.
When you sit down to develop strategy and talk tactics, don’t forget to include Referral Sources. They deserve the same attention as your target audiences.
Despite what you may think, all of your employees are in fact members of your marketing team. You need to market to them as if they were customers. Why? Because they market and sell your brand more than anyone else.
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