29: Abby Goldstein
Listen to the second part of Dave’s interview with Abbey Goldstein, where they talk tools and tips, Abbey tries to hit the Bulls Eye and the year that was 1989.
Hit the Bulls Eye
- The West Wing or House of Cards
- Reach Out and Touch Someone or Can You Hear Me Now?
- Just Say No or This is Your Brain On Drugs
- Progressive’s Flo or Jake from State Farm
- The Six Million Dollar Man or The Most Interesting Man in the World
- The Replacements or The Smiths
Other Sights & Sounds of 1989 include:
- Exxon Valdez Oil Spill was an environmental and PR disaster.
- “It keeps going and going and going…”
- Nintendo launches Game Boy and its influence in portable game design continues today.
- “If you build it, he will come.”
- “You’ve Got Mail.”
Thanks to our guest Abby Goldstein, General Manager at WYEP. You can contact Abby by visiting the WYEP website or directly via email.