120: TRod is Back!
Cut the BULL$H!# Rant: Where do you weigh in on Marketing? Are you on the “Art” side or “Science” side? Ad agencies fall into the Madison Avenue mindset: Marketing is an art. We’re the only ones that can build your brand. Creative drives brand. Brand is king.
Those on the Science side love the digital aspect. They love the analytics. They know what works with Search Engine Optimization. Keywords matter more than the story. The response rate and therefore the ROI is trackable. Data is king.
Just like with politics, religion, sports, whatever, we seem to think there’s only one way: our way…what we believe in. The reality when it comes to Marketing is we need to leverage both. The Art AND Science combination is King.
Guest Intro & Background: Our guest today is Tom Rodriguez, one of our rare repeat guests. Tom has a diverse background.He’s an entrepreneur. He’s passionate about selling and wants to learn more about No BS Marketing.
Hear TRod and Dave talk about all things Thanksgiving:
- How Sarah Josepha Hale marketed the idea of a national holiday after writing Mary Had a Little Lamb.
- Franksgiving forces FDR to change course.
- The National Turkey Federation is happy to report that more than 90% of Americans serve or eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
- Thanksgiving Day Parades were held across the country until the first Macy’s parade in 1924.
- Princeton and Yale played in the first collegiate Thanksgiving Day game while the first Thanksgiving Day professional football game was played in Pittsburgh and hosted by the Allegheny Athletic Association’s team.
- The Dallas Cowboys turned a one time thing into a tradition and have played on Thanksgiving Day for 48 of the past 50 years. The Detroit Lions began playing on Thanksgiving Day in 1970 and continue to do so.
- Tom’s favorite memory from Thanksgiving Day football is of poor Leon Lett.
- Jerome Bettis couldn’t make up his mind. The Steelers lost the coin toss, the game and the rest of their season.
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