“Supernatural” Sounds of Marketing
Supernatural, Superserious-REM
Job losses are at historic levels. The unemployment rate is at its highest point in decades. We read and hear stories about layoffs and budget cuts just about every day.
The details swap,
But the story’s the same
Employees remaining on the job often take pay cuts or demotions and are asked to do more. Organizational psychologists even gave it a name: ‘layoff survivor syndrome.’ Being left behind can be almost as distressing as being let go.
Everybody here,
Comes from somewhere,
That they would just as soon forget,
And disguise
The impact on morale and ultimately productivity is staggering. Self doubt grows, self confidence wanes. Uncertainty leads to fear and assuming the worst.
Nobody cares,
No one remembers and nobody cares
If senior leaders do not convey the right message throughout the organization, productivity will continue to suffer.
You don’t have to explain
Actually, yes you do. Transparency and clear, consistent communication are needed now more than ever.
You don’t have to explain
Employees also need to be proactive. You can’t wait for your boss to come to you. Sit down and say: “I’m doing the work of two or three people. What are your priorities?” Then, focus on those top priorities and keep your boss up to date on your progress or lack thereof on each major issue.
And you realize your fantasies are
Dressed up in travesties
If your ‘dream job’ has become a nightmare, you need to take stock of your goals and what drives you. Think in terms of your career rather than your job. Use your current position to prepare you for the next one. Get new training. Seek out new responsibilities. Do some freelance work. Build your skills and credentials.
Enjoy yourself with no regrets
Times are tough, no doubt. It’s going to take a lot of mental toughness to overcome the situation and turn it into an opportunity. Focus on what drives you and take proactive steps in that direction. You just might end up doing what you’re supposed to be doing.
It’s an experience,
Sweet, delirious,
Supernatural, Superserious
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