Rudolph Does It All
So I’m watching Rudolph last night with my kids…and a number of things dawn on me, here are but a few:
*How is this show still mesmerizing to kids more than thirty years after it was originally produced?
*Man, people were mean in the ’60s…can you imagine a writer attempting to do a kids show in this manner today?
*The Abominable Snow Monster had the quickest and cleanest multiple teeth pulling of all time…by a first-time kid dentist.
The show continues to make an impact because of the easy to understand message. The visuals are so clean and crisp that they work as well or even better than each generation’s new special effects. The voice overs are also excellent. Cool, clean, memorable.
As for the pre-politically correct days of television, the writers didn’t pull any punches. Geez, Dasher, Rudolph’s Dad, is certainly not a ‘Renaissance Man.’ He’s pretty harsh to Rudolph and then tells his wife: “This is a Man’s Job.” He’s lucky there was no N.O.W.R. in existence at the time. The ‘Coach’ makes Bobby Knight seem wimpy by basically throwing Rudolph off of the team for how he looks…and Santa disses Rudolph and is overly critical about the elves’ song.
How about Hermey’s first patient being probably the toughest of all time…and yet the Abominable ends up toothless in the span of seconds…Wow…
But, it’s all good…Rudolph saves the day and the show still works–generations later…
Like we tell our clients:
Less is More…Make an Emotional Impact…
Simple Can Be Memorable…Stay on Message…
Rudolph does it all.