“People are Strange” – Sounds of Marketing
The Doors – Strange Days (1996)
One of my college buddies recently campaigned for me to feature a Doors song in Sounds of Marketing. To keep him off my back, I’m bringing my Maz the DJ voice out of retirement: “Requested music from the Doors”…
People are strange when you’re a stranger
Faces look ugly when you’re alone
Picture yourself walking into a networking event, making a presentation or meeting with a prospective client for the first time. Do you become nervous and worry about what others will think?
People seem wicked when you’re unwanted
Streets are uneven when you’re down
If you are off your game or doubting yourself, others will notice. Their initial impression is tainted and they subconsciously stiffen up. You react by becoming more nervous and end up talking too fast and too much. It is a vicious cycle that leads to a whole lot of tension.
When you’re strange
No one remembers your name
The key takeaways of your presentation or pitch (and possibly even your name) are forgotten while your nonverbal nonsense and how it made the audience uncomfortable is remembered for a long time.
When you’re strange…
Have you really thought about your audience and what they are looking for? While you’re worried about what they might think, they’re hoping they can relate and get something of value from you. Do you have specific ideas to eliminate their pain points? Have you practiced your pitch both alone and in front of others?
If you answered ‘No,’ you aren’t adequately prepared and you’ll miss the opportunity. If you have prepared appropriately, then focus on being you—a confident, knowledgeable resource—and making it about them—your audience.
Faces come out of the rain
When someone is passionate and knows their stuff, strangers make eye contact, smile, or nod. They relate and see the value you bring and that there’s something in it for them.
Take the time to truly prepare. Do the hard work before the presentation or meeting. If you’re really nervous, boost your confidence by channeling Jim Morrison through another Doors lyric:
I am the Lizard King. I can do anything!
If you have a song suggestion for Sounds of Marketing, please let us know by emailing SoundsOfMarketing@massolutions.biz