No One Is To Blame – Howard Jones
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Ever have a prospect that doesn’t seem to trust you and keeps asking for proposals without ever making the buy?
You can look at the menu but you just can’t eat You can feel the cushions but you can’t have a seat
Or someone at your company who has no problem hanging you out to dry even when you have done nothing wrong?
You can dip your foot in the pool but you can’t have a swim You can feel the punishment but you can’t commit the sin
Maybe the boss sees the good things others do but doesn’t seem to notice your contributions? Or you end up being passed over for a promotion despite consistent productivity?
You can build a mansion but you just can’t live in it You’re the fastest runner but you’re not allowed to win
Maybe Howard Jones nailed it and No One Is To Blame…but then again maybe not…
While specific situations vary, in many instances it’s a combination of misperception and miscommunication on both sides. Sometimes we have an over-inflated sense of self importance and other times we lack the confidence to address things head on with peers, superiors, clients and prospects.
Some break the rules And live to count the cost The insecurity is the thing that won’t get lost
Instead of thinking that No One Is To Blame, make an effort to improve the one thing you have control over: Your attitude, approach and delivery. It sounds simpler than it is in reality, but honest and open communication will get you the answers you need.
You might find out things that are tough to take. For example, you might realize you are not a fit for a particular position or organization.
You can see the summit but you can’t reach it It’s the last piece of the puzzle but you just can’t make it fit
Trust me, learning and accepting this reality is a tough pill to swallow. But, at least you are able to develop a strategy to move on and find a healthier situation for you and your company.
Doctor says you’re cured but you still feel the pain Aspirations in the clouds but your hopes go down the drain
Nah, it’s not that bad…you can learn what needs to be done and make it happen. Communicate, explain where you’re coming from, listen and learn. Develop a plan to improve your situation accordingly. Then HoJo’s words will actually ring true.
No one, no one, no one ever is to blame
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