Self Awareness Matters. Isn’t It Ironic?
In Alanis Morissette’s late 1990’s hit, Ironic, she sings about supposed ironies like ‘a free ride when you’ve already paid’ followed by her saying “Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?”
The song can be applied to our self awareness or lack thereof. You can guess how I’ll change the wording…
Supposedly undecided voters are interviewed and go on to explain in detail what they don’t like about ONE of the candidates…Isn’t it BS, don’t you think?
People complain they want more structure and specifics about their responsibilities then they complain that their work is boring and that they don’t have freedom to make decisions…Isn’t it BS, don’t you think?
Some managers say they want to empower their employees then micromanage their key activities…isn’t it BS, don’t you think?
Meetings are held, emails sent, details discussed, yet people say they weren’t told or that they didn’t know what was expected…isn’t it BS, don’t you think?
People want the title, the money, the perks but they don’t want to change and grow to meet expectations…isn’t it BS, don’t you think?
Let’s look in the mirror more. Let’s listen more. Let’s commit to change. Let’s achieve personal and professional growth. Let’s Cut the BS. Don’t you think?