I’m a Mac…I’m a PC…I’m Not Sure…
The latest ad in the ‘Get a Mac’ campaign takes on Microsoft Vista. The blinking banner ad starts out with “Don’t Give Up On Vista” but morphs into “Give Up On Vista.” And, the latest Apple television commercial plays off of the same “Give Up On Vista” message.
Do you love or hate these ads? And are they effective or not?
I’ve generally liked the ‘Get a Mac’ campaign because the ads are clean, concise, and focus on one easy to understand, main idea. Apple also articulates what they perceive as their competitive advantage. And, the ads are just plain fun to watch.
But, I have to agree with some of Seth Stevenson’s points from his Slate posting in 2006. If you don’t own a Mac and perceive Mac users as ‘different’ creative types, will the ads turn you off? And, aren’t non-Mac users part of the target?
Yes and no.
I agree that some non-Mac users will have this perception. Another segment of the target audience might perceive Microsoft in a negative light and consider a Mac as a potential alternative. Some others probably don’t care much either way and just want an affordable and simple solution to their computer needs. And, clearly, the ads ‘play to the base’ of current Mac loyalists who probably love the campaign.
Hmm…I’m not sure…but I know I enjoy watching the ads anyway…
Here are some links that provide more background on the ‘Get a Mac’ campaign…