Briefs, Bud Light, Beatles and Bananas Win Popularity Contest
The Popularity Issue, an article featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, provided a breakdown on what we eat, wear, watch, love. Some interesting little factoids based on sales in North America:
*We own more Cats (81.7 million) than Dogs (72.1 million) but more households own dogs than cats. Close race won due to multiple cat households.
*The Beatles sold 176 million albums compared with the Rolling Stones at 66 million. Nice guys don’t always finish last… especially when compared with Bad Boys.
*Skim Milk (61 servings per capita) outsells Whole Milk (45 servings). What? A healthier choice wins? What’s going on?
*Briefs (38.1%) are worn more than Boxers (22.7%). Heck, even Long leg briefs (27.8%) have more share than boxers.
*White (17.8%) is the favorite car color choice but Black is close behind (17%) and Silver comes in at 16.7%. No word on where Prince’s Purple or Little Red Corvette showed up on the list.
*White Bread outsells Whole Wheat 1.5 billion loaves to 1.3 billion to offset the Skim Milk healthy choice.
*Coke (17%) outsells Diet Coke (9.9%) and Pepsi (9.9%) but Bud Light (571 million 24 pack cases) wins over Bud (304 million). I guess we’re willing to count calories if we can catch a buzz while doing so.
And the best selling item at WalMart? Bananas.
Save Money. Live Better…Wear Briefs.
Here’s the link to the article.