Blog or Podcast? Match your Content with the Medium
You’re reading this copy, so I’m guessing you might also read or scan some blogs.
I stress scan because so many people check out a headline, scan in a capital F across the top, down a third and across, then down and to the left until reaching the end of the post, according to eye-tracking research.
But a segment of us read content rather than scan it. Sometimes for enjoyment, other times to learn and actually most of the time for both.
When you’re creating content for your business, keep this in mind: Podcasts inspire conversation while blog posts promote thought.
You want to create your content differently for each medium.
Podcasts inspire conversation because listening to one often involves listening to conversations or feeling like you’re being spoken directly to. This gives us an opportunity to create content in a way that engages differently than a blog post does.
Do you get what I mean? Is this making sense? I hope…and I think you might actually be answering inside your head.
Blog posts, on the other hand, promote thought. Not saying podcasts don’t too. I’m not about mutually exclusive ideas.
What I’m saying is blog posts are more thought-provoking because those readers, as opposed to scanners, are pondering what they’ve just read. They think it through. They save the post somewhere. They refer back to it.
You have an opportunity to leverage your blog posts by provoking thought.
Don’t make it all about you. Make it about them — your audience — and pushing them to think about something…and then ask them to do something about it on their own, in their own way.
Podcasts and blogs are both big-time content opportunities for you and your company.
Maximize that opportunity by understanding that podcasts inspire conversation while blogs promote thought.
Do both but do each in its own, unique different way that reaches and influences your target audience.