Are There More Stupid Statements Made in Sports or Politics?
Allen Pinkett’s nonsensical comments today that the suspensions of four Notre Dame football players could be a sign that the program is gaining its edge got me thinking: If we had a competition for most stupid statements between politicians/political commentators and athletes/coaches/sportscasters, who would win?
It would be quite a battle.
Both groups make a lot of unwise public comments. Why? A whole lot of reasons. But I’m guessing their hubris leads to a lack of preparation and over confidence, a deadly combination with an open mic around.
I’m all for transparency and being true to yourself, your core values. On the other hand, just blurting something makes little sense. If you’ve trained much of your life to be an athlete or work in the political realm, you know the drill as far as public comments in interviews. Clear, succinct messages. Honest yet respectful. If your Mom wouldn’t like to hear you say it, don’t say it in an interview.
The rest of us “average” folks can learn from these “stars” and remember to think before we speak and to prepare like a professional before any interview.
What do you think? Who do you think would win?