6 Tips to Email Marketing
An excerpt from Get Where You Want to Go
1. Who Gets What? Categorize and separate your list of clients and prospects. Also, you can segment your list by industry or if you sell to consumers, gender or age group. Then, match each group with the product or service that’s best.
2. Grab Their Attention. Your subject line will determine if your message gets read or deleted. Make a clear, succinct statement that indicates a specific benefit. Don’t use all capital letters and avoid words that will get caught in spam filters such as “promise”, “guarantee” or “get rich.”
3. Time It Right. Midweek is one of the best times to send emails. Avoid sending them on Mondays, when customers are digging through their weekend emails.
4. Make It Attractive. Use bullet points so readers can quickly scan the message. Use graphics and photos sparingly and always give the option to unsubscribe.
Click Here to read the last 2 tips.